Lean development: Efficient product development for success

In today's highly competitive business environment, it is crucial to respond quickly to customer needs without sacrificing quality. Lean development is a proven way to achieve just that. Originally from production, companies have successfully transferred the lean principle to software and product development. But what exactly is lean development and how can companies benefit from it?

The principles of lean development

Lean development is based on the same principles as Lean Manufacturing, which was first developed by Toyota in the 1950s. The aim is to avoid unnecessary waste and maximize customer benefits. The principles of lean development can essentially be divided into six key points:

  1. Define the value: First, the value is defined from the customer's perspective. What is really important to the customer? Which functions or properties are essential for the end product?
  2. Identify value stream: The next step is to analyze the entire development process to identify all activities that contribute to value creation. The aim is to reduce or eliminate process elements without adding value.
  3. Generate flow: A continuous development flow means that all phases of product development are seamlessly intertwined. Bottlenecks and unnecessary waiting times must be avoided.
  4. Implement the pull principle: With the pull principle, only what the customer actually needs is produced or developed. This prevents overproduction and ensures that only what is actually in demand is developed.
  5. Continuous improvement (Kaizen): Lean development is not a one-off change, but a continuous process. Teams should regularly question themselves and look for ways to improve in order to work more efficiently and flexibly.
  6. Respect for employees: People play a central role in lean development. Emphasis is placed on using the know-how and creativity of employees to develop innovative solutions and overcome obstacles.


Development process in practice

Electronics manufacturer Sony provides an illustrative example of the successful use of lean development. When developing a new product, the focus was on continuous improvement and close cooperation between the teams. Instead of developing a complete product right from the start, the process was divided into small steps that could be implemented quickly. In this way, regular customer feedback could be obtained and the product could be gradually improved. This reduced the risk of incorrect developments and significantly shortened the development time.

LeanDevelopment has also proven itself in software development. Start-ups often use this principle to develop market-ready products in a short period of time. Through regular “Minimum Viable Products” (MVPs), they can quickly validate their product ideas and continuously optimize them based on user feedback. A well-known example is the streaming service Netflix, which regularly develops its platform and is strongly oriented towards the wishes and needs of users.


Benefits of lean development


The biggest benefits of lean development are flexibility and efficiency. Companies can bring products to market faster while ensuring that they meet actual customer needs. In addition, avoiding waste not only reduces costs, but also contributes to sustainability, as fewer resources are used.


1.Cost reduction

LeanDevelopment helps companies reduce costs by avoiding waste. Unnecessary processes, superfluous functions or oversized resources are eliminated. Instead of relying on extensive and expensive planning, the focus is on lean and efficient processes. This significantly reduces production and development costs, as no resources are wasted on non-value-adding activities.

example: A start-up that only develops the most important functions in a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) saves costs because it does not develop superfluous functions that customers may not even need.


2. Saving time

The focus on continuous improvement and faster feedback loops speeds up the development process. The iterative approach allows teams to respond more quickly to customer requirements and implement adjustments efficiently. The pull principle ensures that development is only carried out when there is actual demand, which leads to a reduction of idle time.

example: Netflix uses lean principles to introduce new features more quickly. Instead of going through long development cycles, they test small changes directly with the users and can react in the shortest possible time.


3. Higher customer satisfaction

Through its strong customer focus, Lean Development ensures that products and services are tailored precisely to the needs of customers. Regular feedback and customer involvement in development processes ensures that the end product meets the requirements. This increases satisfaction, because the customer gets exactly what they really need.

example: Online retailer Zappos uses customer feedback intensively for continuous improvements, which contributes significantly to its high level of customer satisfaction.


4. Higher quality

Continuous review and optimization of development processes also increases the quality of the end product. Problems and errors are identified and resolved early on before they become serious errors. LeanDevelopment promotes high quality standards by establishing regular testing and improvement as an integral part of the process.

example: Toyota, the company that originally developed the LEAN principles, is known for its high quality standards. Continuous improvement and a focus on avoiding errors have made Toyota one of the leading automotive manufacturers in terms of reliability.


These benefits make lean development a powerful method that enables companies to work more efficiently, reduce costs, improve quality while keeping a focus on customer satisfaction.



Best practices that can help companies successfully implement lean development


1.Get customer feedback regularly

A central practice in lean development is continuous exchange with customers. Instead of presenting a finished product at the end of the development cycle, companies should regularly hand over prototypes or minimum ViableProducts (MVPs) to the customer. This enables quick feedback and immediate integration of suggestions for improvement. The advantage: Incorrect developments are identified at an early stage and can be corrected before they lead to major problems.

Practical example: Dropbox started as a simple MVP that only offered the core function - sharing files. Thanks to continuous customer feedback, other features such as the automatic file synchronization service could later be integrated.


2. Create cross-functional teams

Another success factor of lean development is collaboration in cross-functional teams. Such teams consist of experts from various disciplines — such as development, marketing, design and quality assurance — who work together on a project. This reduces communication barriers and improves the development flow, as potential problems can be identified and resolved at an early stage.

Practical example: At Spotify, cross-functional “squads” work together, which are independently responsible for specific product areas. These squads are made up of members from different disciplines, which makes the development process faster and more efficient.


3.Encourage knowledge sharing and continuous learning

LeanDevelopment requires an environment that promotes continuous learning and knowledge transfer. Teams should regularly reflect on how they work to identify opportunities for improvement. In addition, it is important to establish a culture of open communication in which mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. Kaizen, the principle of continuous improvement, should be firmly anchored in corporate culture.

Practical example: Toyota, the pioneer of the lean principle, places great value on continuous learning and problem-solving skills. Every employee is invited to make suggestions for improvement and to contribute to the optimization of processes. For decades, this has made Toyota one of the most efficient companies in the world.


By consistently applying these best practices, lean development can lead to sustainable success by continuously improving the efficiency and quality of product development.



LeanDevelopment is a powerful tool that helps companies optimize their product development processes. Through customer orientation, continuous improvement and close team collaboration, companies can not only increase their efficiency, but also develop innovative, market-ready products.




  • Poppendieck, Mary & Poppendieck, Tom: Lean Software Development: An Agile Toolkit. Addison-Wesley Professional, 2003.
  • Womack, James P. & Jones, Daniel T.: Lean Thinking: Banish Waste and Create Wealth in Your Corporation. Free Press, 2003.
  • Ries, Eric: The Lean Startup: How Today's Entrepreneurs Use Continuous Innovation to Create Radically Successful Businesses. Crown Business, 2011.


Dr. Philipp Oleinek